Grade 4-5 Intermediate Academic Program
English / Language Arts (ELA) For 2016-2017, ReadyGEN is the core instructional literacy program in grades K-5. More information about ReadyGEN is coming soon. In addition to the core program at grades 4 and 5, accelerated ELA is offered for students who primarily are identified through the Gifted & Talented screening process.
The 2015 implementation in kindergarten through grade 5 of enVision Math.2.0, the updated version of the long standing Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley series, stretches student development in all areas of math. Aligned to Maine’s Learning Results, enVision Math continues Bangor’s commitment to offering math instruction that builds understanding of foundational math operations and skills while developing the math reasoning and thinking skills to solve multi-step, complex math problems. In addition to frequent homework, student learning is regularly assessed through a variety of measures including math journals, topic assessments, performance tasks, unit and end of the year tests.
Science instruction at the intermediate level is accomplished with a series of carefully selected and implemented inquiry-based units, two of which (Ecosystems / grade 4 and Oceans / grade 5) were developed entirely by Bangor teachers. Two other units at each grade level (Motion & Design and The Solar System in grade 4 and Mixtures & Solutions and Magnetism & Electricity in grade 5) round out the intermediate science experience that requires students to hypothesize, collaborate, design, observe, test, and conclude–all important content and process underpinnings for developing scientific minds. It is the belief of the Bangor School Department that engaging all students in scientific inquiry at the early levels of schooling prepares them for success in higher level science and across content areas.
The 2015 implementation in kindergarten through grade 5 of enVision Math.2.0, the updated version of the long standing Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley series, stretches student development in all areas of math. Aligned to Maine’s Learning Results, enVision Math continues Bangor’s commitment to offering math instruction that builds understanding of foundational math operations and skills while developing the math reasoning and thinking skills to solve multi-step, complex math problems. In addition to frequent homework, student learning is regularly assessed through a variety of measures including math journals, topic assessments, performance tasks, unit and end of the year tests.
Science instruction at the intermediate level is accomplished with a series of carefully selected and implemented inquiry-based units, two of which (Ecosystems / grade 4 and Oceans / grade 5) were developed entirely by Bangor teachers. Two other units at each grade level (Motion & Design and The Solar System in grade 4 and Mixtures & Solutions and Magnetism & Electricity in grade 5) round out the intermediate science experience that requires students to hypothesize, collaborate, design, observe, test, and conclude–all important content and process underpinnings for developing scientific minds. It is the belief of the Bangor School Department that engaging all students in scientific inquiry at the early levels of schooling prepares them for success in higher level science and across content areas.

Social Studies
Social studies content includes the study of the regions of the United States in grade 4, including an in-depth, multi-resource exploration of Maine. The Maine unit, like the study of regions, asks students to understand the relationship between the people and the land and make connections to economics and culture. In grade 5, students study United States History, beginning with explorers, progressing through colonization and the rise of the nation. These experiences ask students to explore history in a more abstract sense in preparation for targeted, in-depth study in at the middle level. At both levels, mapping and geography skills complement and enrich the thematic study.